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Caring For you Learning Trail Graphic

The graphics are made from the best floor graphics materials available  with an adhesive backing.   The trails should be installed on floors that have been waxed with 1 or 2 coatings, and we recommend that at least 2 coatings are put over top of the trails once they are installed.   In order to put down the graphics, we recommend the floors be cleaned extremely well,  and then waxed.   The best surface for the trail is a sealed or waxed floor, and  not a bare vinyl floor or stripped floor.   If the floor is prepped properly the graphics could last up to several years.   Once the graphic is installed, we recommend no foot traffic on the floor for at least 24 hrs.  


1) Preparation of the surface:  Sweep area free from dirt and debris. If the surface has an oily residue, it is recommended to clean the surface with a proper cleaner to remove the residue. IMake sure area is completely dry before attempting install. Align your graphic on the install surface to ensure graphic fits as desired. If precise placement is required, use masking tape to mark your edge lines.


2) Peel Back Release Liner: Once you're ready to install, we recommend flipping the graphic over so that the printed side is face down. Peel back release liner exposing the adhesive. On large graphics (2ft. or larger) we recommend pulling the release liner only partial way at first. You will pull the release liner as you adhere the graphic to the floor.


3) Installation: When ready, flip your graphic back over and position the graphic in place. Starting at the edge, begin installing the graphic from the middle outward, working out any air bubble that may develop. LTG features pressure-sensitive adhesive so the more pressure you use, the stronger the initial bond. Use your hands at first or a rubber J-roller LIGHTLY, to ensure proper alignment. If your graphic is mis-aligned, pull up the graphic and try again. Once your graphic is aligned properly, simply work your way across the graphic until the entire graphic is fully in place. (If installing a large image, you'll want to pull the release liner as you move along.)  Lastly, APPLY FIRM PRESSURE using a rubber J-roller across the entire surface of the graphic. Again, the more pressure you use, the stronger the initial bond. As a final step, it's always best to roll over the edges of the graphic one last time to ensure edges are adhered.  A industrial heat gun is recommended also getting the best bond.   We also recommend 1 or 2 coats of wax after the graphic is installed for 24 hours. 


That's it! Your Learning Trail Graphics are installed. 

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